​It sounds too good to be true, but science supports it. Photobiomodulation uses invisible, near infrared (NIR) wavelengths (700 to 1,200 nanometers (nm)) to deliver energy to cells. Research shows specific light frequencies have specific activity. NIR has the perfect wavelength (880 nm) to penetrate skin best. When NIR is applied to the skin, fibroblast cells absorb the light activity, stimulating production of collagen and elastin. Over time, those increases create thicker, younger looking skin, decrease lines, fade scars, and promote skin renewal, cell health and tissue growth.

Reduce Appearance of Acne
Infrared saunas may help reduce acne and improve the appearance of acne scarring. Build-up of oil on the skin causes acne, and when your body produces a lot of oil it leads to constant breakouts. Infrared saunas stimulate sweat from infrared heat – not heated air – which can help clean out those clogged pores at the cellular level.

Naturally Detoxify Your Skin.
Infrared saunas are clinically proven to reach deeper levels into your skin, effectively removing environmental toxicants. Our technology heats your body to the core, triggering your body to release toxins that can clog your pores and lead to a host of health issues beyond just within your skin.

Enhance Skin Tone and Texture
In a 2006 study, researchers examined the impact of infrared on collagen and elastin, two key ingredients of healthy skin. They found that both collagen and elastin increased after exposure to infrared and all patients included in the study reported enhanced skin texture, less roughness, and improvement in color.

Improve Appearance of Scars.
Infrared increases circulation and delivery of oxygen to injured or damaged areas and helps with cell turnover, which aids the appearance of scars. Studies using NASA LED technology concluded that NIR LED light significantly promotes faster cell regeneration, wound healing, and human tissue growth. Human cell growth increased by 155-171%.4